BUPA statistics utility available
Welcome to our website. WinTAPS is the leading Physiotherapy practice
management application in its field. With WinTAPS you can significantly
enhance your clinical business practices to improve cash flow, reduce
administration costs and monitor your business growth. WinTAPS
includes the following facilities;
- Automated invoice run
- Automated invoice reminder run
- Daily and period statistics both clinic wide and practitioner based
- Multi-resource diary with inter-computer real time messaging
- Loaned items
- Private, Insurance, Group and Contract patients can be managed with ease
- Miscellaneous income and practice expenditure tracking
- Colour coded treatment details for "at a glance" recognition
- Multi-practice management
- Networking
- Emailing
- Automatic letter creation with 16 user-definable templates
- Patient clinical notes with body charts
- Diagnoses, outcome measurements, discharge status
- Word processor
- Day list
- To-do list
- and lots more....
The beauty of WinTAPS is that everything mentioned above (and more) is
available for one price. No extra modules to buy, no extra licence fees for
your home computer, nothing. You get inbuilt network connectivity and our
optional support is less than £4.00 per week! We will also be introducing a
rental model for start-up practitioners who wish to benefit from WinTAPS'
technology without the initial cost. We have made this program adaptable and
suitable for all clinics. We even have Osteopaths, Beauticians, Surgeons and
Gynaecologists utilising the benefits of our software.
Click here to view screen shots of WinTAPS. New video demo's and tutorials! We have our first
flash demonstration movie available for you to peruse. This is a ~3 minute movie of WinTAPS in action but we plan to add a major new support archive to our website that will include "How-Do-I" videos. As we receive your support calls we will log the ones that would benefit from having a tutorial written and publish one to this website. That way future support requests for the same tuition can come straight to the website and find their answer without lengthy phone calls. As we all know a picture is worth a thousand words... well these video's are probably worth a million words! Check out the first demo on our Utilities page and write to me (richard@wintaps.com) with the things you wish to see as a video tutorial (needs to be clean!!! <chuckle>)
If you wish to organise a trial of WinTAPS please call Richard on 0781
5151007. We are looking forward to hearing from you. You can also contact us at our e-mail address:
If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help. In brief, you should know the following about us: our company was established in 1995 and have been responsible for providing outstanding practice management software ever since. Our regular customers particularly value our technical support. Please view the customer comments page or the guestbook comments.